Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology
Brief summary
Sialic acid level in blood plasma and circulating lipoproteins is considered to be a marker for a number of pathologic conditions, including atherosclerotic lesion, cancer, etc. Modified low density lipoprotein (LDL), possessing lowered, in comparison with native lipoproteins amount of sialic acid, are named in this connection desialated LDL. The aim of the present study was the investigation of seasonal fluctuations of trans-sialidase activity in serum of humans blood. Almost 39 % of volunteers haven't revealed reliable seasonal changes of blood trans-sialidase activity. However among other volunteers the quantity of people with maximum trans-sialidase activity values in the winter, almost three times exceeded quantity of volunteers with invariable seasonal dynamics. In percentage of total people it has made about 43 % and 17 %, accordingly. During the winter period trans-sialidase activity in serum raises and modifies circulating low density lipoproteins (LDL). As a result it is an additional factor increasing risk of cardiovascular diseases for many people. This effect may lead to occurrence or progressing of atherosclerotic lesions in periods of increased trans-sialidase activity in serum.
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