The Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology» Federal medico-biological Agency, 192019, Saint Petersburg, Bekhterev Street,1, tel/fax(812) 365-06-80,
The Federal State Budget Institution of the highest professional Education «Sankt-Peterburg» State University»*199034, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab.,7-9,
Brief summary
In the experiments with rats was shown that the blockade of D2-subtype of the dopamine receptors stimulated the system of free radicals oxidation and induced the accumulation of lipoperoxides and hydroperoxide in the brain compartments. The combined blockade of D2-receptors and A2a-adenosinergic receptors prevented the rise of locomotory disturbances (catalepsia), which are typical for the down regulated activity of D2-receptors, and anticipated the development of oxidative stress. The regulatory role of the functional interaction of the central adenosinergic and dopaminergic neuromediatory systems in the attended reactions of free radicals oxidation is discussed.
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