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192012, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, óë.Áàáóøêèíà, ä.82 ê.2, ëèòåðà À, êâ.378

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Âûäàíî - Ðîñêîìíàäçîð

ISSN 1999-6314

Ðîññèéñêàÿ ïîèñêîâàÿ ñèñòåìà

Vol. 12, Art. 48 (pp. 572-587)    |    2011       

The current status of the problem of treatment of openlong-bone fractures
V.V.Khominets, I.G.Belenkiy, D.I.Kutyanov, S.I. Maltsev

Brief summary

We have analyzed the Russian and foreign scientific works dealing with treatment of open long-bone fractures. Unsatisfactory results of treatment of these patients are manifested in high frequency of total and local infectious complications, complicated contractures of joints and also invalidity which reveal a number of unsolved problems of the studied point. The mostly discussed problems in scientific works are the following: the prophylaxis of infectious complications, treatment of wounds and restoration of defects of soft tissues, choosing the appropriate method of osteosynthesis and its terms. We have worked out the main lines of improving the treatment of this category of patients. They are the following: specifying the opportunities and indications to use the internal fixation of different variants of open long-bone fractures, finding the appropriate ways of plastic restoration of defects of soft tissues and bones of patients with metaepiphysial open fractures and working out the improved schemes of choosing tactics and methods of treatment for every patient.

Key words

open long-bone fractures, surgical treatment, external osteosynthesis, internal osteosynthesis, acute shortening, vacuum assisted closure, microsurgery, replacement of defects of tissues.

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Reference list

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