Vinyl chloride effect upon human healthin technological environment
Mogilenkova L.A.
Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Eсоlоgy, Federal Medical Biological Agency, St Petersburg, Russia
Brief summary
The probability of vinyl chloride (VC) disease as a result of chronic poisoning is extremely high in technological environment. On the same level with the neuro- and immunotropic effects of VC and its metabolites, the interconnection of lipid peroxidation intensification and NO decrease in nervous tissue and blood vessels cells is of high importance for the pathogenesis of toxic exposure. Deficiency of NO induces increase of proinflammatory cytokines, atherogenesis, and lipid peroxidation; decrease of antioxidant protection; adhesion intensification and, therefore, hemodynamics disorders, including that of the brain.
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