Evaluation of the functional level coronary reserve and adaptive mechanisms of the body pilots diagnosed with "healthy" and disease diagnosis of cardiovascular system, having served in the far north twelve months
Zhiltsova I. I., G. G. Zagorodnikov
Federal state of military educational institutions of higher education "Military Medical Academy after S. M. Kirov" Ministry of Defence Russian Federation (Military Medical Academy after
S. M. Kirov) 194044, Russia, St. Petersburg, Ac. Lebedev Street, 6
Brief summary
In the Far North by cycle ergometry study characteristics of coronary circulation and the body's adaptive capacity of flight personnel who served in the Far North twelve months, with a diagnosis of \"healthy\" and diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system, which revealed different levels of functional coronary reserve and adaptive mechanisms of the body . It is established that the levels of functional coronary reserve and adaptability of the body are directly dependent on the health of flight personnel.
Found that at maximum load 175-180 watts for flight crews with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease indicated a significant reduction in indices of chronotropic and inotropic cardiac reserve compared to the flight crews with a diagnosis of \"healthy.\" At the same time, the flight crew with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease indicated an increase in gain and refractive index of the mechanical stress of the heart compared to the flight crews with a diagnosis of \"healthy.\"
The revealed changes of the parameters bicycle exercise test indicates an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise in flying personnel with cardiovascular diseases.
Key words
flight crews, the Far North, bicycle stress test, functional coronary reserve, adaptation.
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