1- Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathlogy and Human Ecology of Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.
2- Military-Medical Academy, St.-Petersburg, Russia
3- Fil. 6 Chief Military Clinic Hospital im. N.N. Burdenko Ministery of Defence Russia
Brief summary
The preservation of the persons' health involved in the storage and destruction chemical weapon, requires the establishment of modern clinic-epidemiological monitoring and forecasting on the basis of the retrospective analysis of medical personal data. It is established, that respiratory organs' pathology from the staff of dealing with the storage and destruction chemical weapon occupies the first rank place in the general morbidity structure, and long-term dynamics has a statistically significant increasing trend.
Key words
chemical weapon, incidence, clinic-epidemiology significance, the respiratory organs\' pathology, medical-statistical methods.
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