Computer auricular electroacupuncture in therapy in bronchial obstruction syndrome: indices of lung function in patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
During prospective clinical research with application of randomization of 50 patients, suffering of bronchial asthma (BA) in aggravation stage (group I) and 50 patients, suffering chronic obstructive lung disease (СOLD) in aggravation stage (group II) have been in a random way divided into equal subgroups I1, I2, II1 and II2. Subgroups «2» received exclusively pharmacological therapy according to modern standards of treatment, to subgroups «1» to treatment 5 séances of computer electroacupuncture (CEAP) according to the original scheme have been added. Studied changes of indicators of function of external breath (FEB) in subgroups in three control points: 1 (an initial background); 2 (upon termination of course CEAP in subgroups «1») »; 3 (in 2 weeks after a point 2). It is shown that inclusion CEAP in complex therapy BA and СOLD leads to faster normalization of FEV indicators, in comparison with the isolated pharmacological therapy.