Features of the state of health of children with early age defeat perinatal cns depending on the level of neuropsychological development, and arrangements for bringing up
Pyhtina L.A., Filkina O.M., Shanina T.G., Kocherova O.Y, Shirokova O.S.
FGU «Ivanovo Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood them. V. N. Gorodkova
Rosmedtehnology», Ivanovo
Brief summary
The aim of this study was to establish the relationship morbidity, physical
development of young children with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, raised in
the house of the child and family, with their level of neuro-psychological development. Under
observation were 408 children aged 1 to 3 years, 208 of them - inmates of the home and 200
children - children are brought up in the family. Assessment of neuro-psychological
development (NDP) of the children had on how to KL Pechory, L. Pantyuhinoy, LG
Golubeva. Found that the most negative health indicators, namely - low resistance, high levels
of somatic pathology, the deviations of physical development were observed in infants with
perinatal lesions of the central nervous system with a pronounced delay in the NDP, the
largest number of children registered in the house of the child. Relationship of adverse health
indicators in young children with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, taking into
account their level of neuro-psychological development, environment education and
demonstrates the need for differential health-psychological-pedagogical approach to the
prevention and correction of violations of health.
Key words
children, perinatal lesion of the central nervous system, neuropsychological development, physical development, the orphanage, the family
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