Features of psychological development of children of early age with consequences perenatal defeats CNS, tducation in different conditions, and his interrelation with a functional condition a hypophysis - tireoidid of system, peroxidation oxidation
Ivanovo scientific research institute of motherhood and the childhood, 153731. Ivanovo
Brief summary
The Purpose of research was to study features of psychological development of children of early age with consequences perenatal defeats CNS, development in children's home and family, and his interrelation with a functional condition a hypophysis - tireoidid of system, peroxidation oxidation lipids and antioxidant activity of blood. Under supervision was 410 children in the age of from 1 year till 3 years with a consequence perenatal defeats CNS, from them 210 - pupils of children's home and 200 - children, tducation in family. It is established, that at children of early age with consequences perenatal defeats CNS development in children's home and family, the interrelation of a level of psychological development with a functional condition a hypophysis-tireoidid of system, perecisis by peroxidation oxidation lipidis and activity antioxidant of blood is revealed. At children with the psychological development appropriate to age, preservation of function a hypophysis - tireoidid of system and antioxidant protection was observed. At children with the expressed delay of psychological development which greatest number was registered in children's home, were diagnosed lower parameters - tireoidid hormones (Т3, Т4), МDА, ceruloplasmin, and high - ТТG, that the interrelation of parameters proves a hypophysis - - tireoidid of system, oxidations lipidis and antioxidant to activity of blood. Hence, such parameters as ТТG, Т3, Т4, МDА, ceruloplasmin are of great importance in patogenesis delays of psychological development at children of early age with consequences perenatal defeats and can be diagnostic criteria of her estimation.
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