Effect of long-term use of morphine hydrochloride and subsequent administration of neuropeptides to maternal individuals before pregnancy on the offspring development
in the postnatal period
FSBUN IT FMBA Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «Institute of toxicology of the Federal medical-biological agency»
FSBNU NII MT Federal State Budgetary Science Institution «Scentific institute of occupational medicine named after academician N.F. Izmerova»
FSBEI HE StPSCPU Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Hight Education «Sant-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University»
Brief summary
The study purpose was the assessment the of morphine hydrochloride (MHC) and the subsequent use of delta-sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) and an analog of fragment 4-10 of adrenocorticotropic hormone (4-10ACTH) effects in maternal individuals before pregnancy on the offspring development in the postnatal period.
The study was realised in two stages. At the first stage, female rats from the age of one month were intragastrically inputed with morphine hydrochloride for 3 months, followed by peptide preparations for 2 weeks, after which they mated with intact males. At the second stage, the the born offspring parameters of physical and sensory-motor development were studied in according to standard methods, as well as behavioral reactions were studied in the "cross-shaped maze" test. For a comprehensive assessment of the offspring development in the postnatal period, the indices of physical and sensory-motor development were used, and the index of harmony of development was calculated.
It was found that DSIP and 4-10ACTH are able to a large extent eliminate violations of physical and sensory-motor development in offspring whose maternal individuals received MHC for a long time before pregnancy. This indicates that the investigated peptide preparations can have a regulatory effect not only on the disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis of maternal individuals caused by prolonged use of MCH, but also on the hypothalamic-pituitary system of their offspring in the postnatal period of development. This fact allows us to attribute medicines containing DSIP and an analog of the fragment 4-10ACTH to the means of etiopathogenetic therapy of reproductive disorders caused by the use of narcotic analgesics.
Key words
morphine hydrochloride, neuropeptides, fragment 4-10 of adrenocorticotropic hormone, semax, delta sleep inducing peptide, deltaferox, offspring physical development, offspring sensory-motor development, postnatal development, reproductive function
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