Immunomorphological aspects of liver fibrogenesis in the natural course of chronic hepatitis c
Children's research and clinical center for infectious diseases of the Federal medical and biological Agency
Brief summary
Studying of chronic hepatitis C?s (CHC) pathogenesis is important due to its wide prevalence and frequent appearing of life-threatening implications as a result of fibrosis progression in liver driven by non-parenchymal cells. The objective of our research were 64 liver biopsy samples of adult patients with natural course of CHC. Using immunohistochemical method we counted the amount of CD3+ и CD8+Т-lymphocytes, CD68+macrophages и SMA+-stellate cells in liver?s parenchyma. Then the connection between this data and histological activity index (HAI) and the stage of fibrosis were explored. According to our results lesion of the liver with subsequent fibrosis progression in CHC was provided by cell-mediated immune mechanism implemented by CD8+Т-lymphocytes. The peak of macrophages и stellate cells? activation derived in the setting of moderate HAI and preserved at the same level in severe HAI. Activation of all cell populations was irregular and depended on HAI and stage of fibrosis. Vicious circle of this intercellular interplay developed in setting of mild fibrosis and probably connected with the changing of non-parenchymal cells? structure during fibrosis progression.
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