The research of ladasten effect on laboratory animals physical working capacity while performing multiple physical activities in various levels of fatigue under hypobaric anaxia
State Scientific-Research Test Institute of Military Medicine of Department of Defense of the Russian Federation
The federal state budget military educational institution of higher education Military medical academy n. a. S.M. Kirov.
Brief summary
The effect of ladasten in various dosages on physical working capacity of laboratory animals (white rats) was studied in "swimming with a load" test and "treadmill running" test. It was shown that single endogastric administration of ladasten in 12,5 80 mg/kg leads to an increase of duration of rats swimming ability while performing multiple physical activities. The most positive effect on physical working capacity was observed following ladasten administration in doses 42-58 mg/kg and in doses 42-68 mg/kg under hypobaric anoxia (in "treadmill running" test).
Key words
ladasten, physical working capacity, swimming with a load test, treadmill, actoprotective action.
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