Fundamentals of organizational telemedicine in health care
Borisov D.N.
Military Medical Academy named after SM Kirov
Brief summary
Studying the experience of the application of telemedicine technology has shown that, in spite of successful examples of the use of telemedicine is not widely used. Operation of the pilot area of telemedicine systems in the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has shown the high relevance of the use of telemedicine to address health maintenance organization. In this regard, it suggested a new direction of development of telemedicine technologies - "organizational telemedicine." Examples of clinical cases, confirming the relevance of the organizational aspects of the use of telemedicine. On the basis of lessons learned formulated the basic principles of organization of telemedicine. Organizational telemedicine should become not only a tool for addressing health care organizations, but also to promote the widest possible use of telemedicine technologies in other clinical specialties.
Key words
Telemedicine, нealth оrganisation, organizational telemedicine, military medical services, telemedicine consultation
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