FGBVOU VPO Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Brief summary
Reflects a brief analysis of the organization of rendering primary health care in outpatient conditions by the example of a large city (St. Petersburg). Described the structure of primary health care, namely health organizations providing outpatient care, sets standards and the level of the population with access to primary health care and capacity of outpatient facilities. An important criterion of quality of care affordability is based on the number of attached population. The reform of the outpatient network in a large city is one of the most challenging tasks of health care management, which is associated with many factors, primarily determine the demand for primary health care, the diversity of organizational forms of outpatient care, rapidly changing residential area of the city, the need to ensure effective interaction with other social institutions.
Key words
primary health care, outpatient clinics, efficiency, accessibility.
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