Military Medical Academy. SM Kirov, St. Petersburg
Brief summary
The author carried out a comparative analysis of trait and state anxiety and the level and structure of somatic pathologiesin the military servants having participated in the hostilitiesin Afghanistan; military participants of a local armed conflict in Chechnya, former residentsof the territory radioactively polluted after the Chernobyl accident and personnel having worked in industrial plants with extra high chemical hazards.
An increase of the state and trait anxiety level is conclusively detected in all categories of the examined and that can be considered aspsychoemotional state disorder which became a trigger forchronic adaptive overstress syndromeformation –donozological form of deterioration of health. Affecting the human body with a complex of different extremes for a long time such premorbid condition resulted in an increase in general disease incidence and unidirectional somatic pathology development.
Key words
level and structure of disease incidence, somatic pathology, psychophisiological status, psychoemotional tension, trait and state anxiety, extremes, adaptive tension.
6. Gyskova, A.K. Klinicheskie i organizacionnie aspekti likvidacii posledstvii avarii na ChAES / A.K. Gyskova. – Voen.-med.jyrn., 1993. – № 4. – S. 14–21.