The "hypoxen" use experience for correcting functionality of endothelial cells in persons who are engaged in works with organophosphorus compounds.
Fomichev A.V., Vasilyuk V.B., Sosyukin A.Y.
* Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg
** Federal state unitary enterprise research Institute of industrial and marine medicine, Federal medical-biological Agency, Saint-Petersburg
Brief summary
"Hypoxen", which has antioxidant and antihypoxic action, has a positive effect on endothelial vasomotor function among persons are engaged in activities with organophosphorus compounds. The key pathogenetic mechanism of its action to increase the capacity of vascular dilatation is to increase the level of nitric oxide. This effect is achieved by reducing its degradation due to lower severity of free radical oxidation and increase the capacity of the endogenous antioxidant defense system.
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