The pharmacological effect on nitric oxide synthesis on experimental hemorrhagic shock
Remizova M.I., Gerbout K.A., Grishina G.V.
Russian Research Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology
Brief summary
This study investigated the systemic and microvascular hemodynamic, acid-base balance of blood in animal model of hemorrhagic shock. L-arginine (150 mg/kg bolus) and oxacom (3.2 µM/kg bolus) injected into the blood flow rats prior to hemorrhage and after hemorrhage. In the first series (control) after cessation of hemorrhage the isotonic 0.9% solution of NaCl was resumed (2x shed blood volume) to rats. 2 series – oxacom was infused 20 min before hemorrhagic, isotonic solution – after hemorrhage. 3 series – oxacom was infused to animals after hemorrhage together isotonic solution. In the 4 and 5 series L-arginine was infused as well as oxacom in 2 and 3 series. Isotonic solution was infused in the same volume as in control series. Oxacom infused before hemorrhage (2 series) and L-arginine with saline solution (5 series) recovers the systemic hemorrhagic and microcirculation on the better as compared with control.
It is suggested that nitric oxide produced from exogenous substrate L- arginine supports basal level of nitric oxide that is necessary for normal perfusion of organs and issues. Effects of oxacom on hemodynamic under conditions of hemorrhagic shock are determined by its antioxidant activity and the ability to induced S-nitrosylation of proteins.
Key words
hemorrhagic shock, infusion therapy, nitric oxide, L-ARGININE, dinitrosyl iron complex with glutathione (OXACOM).
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