Comparative analysis of epidemiological, etiopathogenic and clinical features of mycosis of skin and its appendages in hiv-infected patients with and without HAART
Filippova V.S., Raznatovsky K.I.
North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, chair of dermatovenerology
Brief summary
The present study showed, that incidence of cutaneous mycoses and its appendages was significant less in HIV-infected patients with HAART (34,6%) compared to HIV-infected patients without HAART (66,3%), what indicates on effective use HAART to prophylaxis and treatment of mycoses. Oral candidiasis, especially pseudomembranous form, is important clinical market of failure of HAART and progression of HIV-infection. Cutaneous mycoses and its appendages, particularly tinea cruris, tinea corporis, oral candidiasis, in HIV-infected patients with HAART, who belonged to the group №1, probably were clinical manifestations of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).
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