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Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики Российской академии наук.


ФГБУН "Институт токсикологии" ФМБА России

Адрес редакции и реквизиты

192012, Санкт-Петербург, ул.Бабушкина, д.82 к.2, литера А, кв.378

Свидетельство о регистрации электронного периодического издания ЭЛ № ФС 77-37726 от 13.10.2009
Выдано - Роскомнадзор

ISSN 1999-6314

Российская поисковая система

Vol. 13, Art. 74 (pp. 881-894)    |    2012       

Surgical treatment of fractures of the pylons: a brief historical outline and the modern state of the problem
I.P. Kondratyev

SBD "Saint-Petersburg Institute of Emergency Care im.I.I.Dzhanelidze"

Brief summary

Surgical treatment of fractures of the distal tibial bone – pylon – refers to the most complicated tasks of traumatology. The article presents a review of the 40-year history of the application of surgical methods in treatment of patients with the fractures of the pylon? As well as the analysis of the methods of on-bone osteosynthesis, proposed in recent years.

Key words

fracture of the pylon, methods of surgical treatment, osteosynthesis, implant, surgical access.

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Reference list

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