St-Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies, Russia; St-Petersburg,191015, Kirochnaya str., 41;
*- Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, St-Petersburg
Brief summary
The modern diagnostic level of myeloid neoplasms expect the use of a complex various laboratory methods. In this review, we pose the diagnostic algorithm of chronic myeloid leukemia, which is usually considered the standard for this disease. Algorithm includes the study of the peripheral blood, bone marrow, holding molecular cytogenetic and immunocytochemical analysis, and, if necessary, histological study bone marrow aspirate and biopsies. In depend on the disease phase given the characteristic features of the results referred above research methods. Consider various diagnostic criteria, according in modern literature to determine the chronic phase, accelerated phase and blast phase of chronic myeloid leukemia and used at present the doctors of different scientific groups in therapeutic practice, particularly: criteria used by the WHO classification, criteria used by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and criteria used at the European Leukemia Net.
New approaches to assessment of the disease heaviness, the rate of development and effectiveness therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors employing markers of apoptosis actively researching in last 10-15 years. Authentically known that the inhibition of apoptosis may be the mechanism by which tumor cells become resistant to drugs. Factors involved in the regulation of apoptosis process, are regarded as the main cellular objectives targeted therapy. The study in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia apoptotic reactions in the bone marrow cells of apoptosis induction in vitro constitute to be a perspective direction, so far as monitoring dynamics of this process in during the treatment may be marker of effectiveness therapy and relieve in selection rational treatment of disease.
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