The integral assessment of early pulmocardiology dysfunctions in smokers and non-smokers with pulmonary diseases
Gnoevykh V.V., Smirnova A. Y., Portnova E.A., Kupriyanov A.A.
Ulyanovsk State University
Brief summary
For the integral assessment of the early cardiorespiratory dysfunctions in smokers and non-smokers with pulmonary diseases the smoke factor aggression is consecutively appraised according to the developed outline including exhale carbon oxide level and carboxyhemoglobin. Pulseoxymetry during voluntary breathing delay on inspiration is conducted for the adequate assessment of the blood oxygenation, then respiratory gas index corrected by the level of carboxyhemoglobin (RGIcorr) is calculated according to the developed formula. Reduction of RGIcorr more than 0,672 s.u. attests to the occurrence of cardiorespiratory dysfunctions.
Key words
the integral assessment of the early cardiorespiratory dysfunctions, pulmonary diseases
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