To the analysis of psycho-physiological features of formation acting
GITIS-RUTI, Moscow, The Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino
Brief summary
The article is an attempt to review the school N.V. Demidova - comrade and colleague of K.S.Stanislavky- to find the real way to mastering the Stanislavsky system by an independent and individual (but not outside the collective) self-study process itself transformation of a personality psychology while studying acting with positions forceful a change of psychology and memory, the relation of conscious control and emancipation of the dark side of the individual. As a result, the actor must learn how to spontaneously pluck the new features of their own subconscious. The possibility of a creative affective state through the active mobilization of super and develop skills to access the subconscious processes. Taken as a starting point it is well known in psychophysiology "dissociated state of consciousness", which are inherent in a dramatic change of mind and memory due to a complete domination of unconscious processes. At the same time they are in an uncontrolled manner (eg, under the influence of critical circumstances or intoxication of psychotropic agents), the nature and psychological portrait of a personality change beyond recognition with the subsequent loss of memory of this state (and recovery during the second "occurrence" in this state). We introduce a new concept of a "pair of a dissociated state of consciousness." When it reached a fundamental modification of psychophysiology as a result of the accumulated through learning how to mobilize the unconscious, while maintaining control of the mind in accordance with the installation role. This conscious appeal to the subconscious processes can use the hidden resources of man psychophysiology to reach a creative take-off and a creative peak without the use of psychotropic drugs. According to the irreducible essence of the interpretation of an acting Demidodav’s school is to educate every individual who has some creativity, such treatment within yourself, to extract from the liberated unconscious for the moment affectation and associations without losing the specific qualities of the most creative person. An incremental (step by step) mastery of this process and is a key element in the creative Demidov’s school, allowing an each actor to develop his own psychological approach to the mobilization of creative problems.
Key words
NV Demidov, active change in the relationship of consciousness and subconsciousness, affectivity, \"pair of a dissociated state of consciousness.\"