Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS - 1
Relevance of sensor technology, especially in the medical field, due to the need selectively, with precise control of concentration of substances in various liquids. As sensors are commonly used natural enzymes, receptor molecules and antibodies (biosensor technology). The ways of biosensors investigations in the world are not only directed on increasing the number of detectable substances, as well as for optimize the operation of devices by improving the design, sensitivity and selectivity of the sensors, increasing the speed of analysis and reproducibility of measurements. In existing devices - analyzers containing enzymatic biosensors, the bottleneck is the use of expensive purified enzymes.
On the basis of polymeric nanotechnology, we have developed biosensors, which are a combination of the microcapsules containing the enzyme and polyelectrolyte layers. Microcapsules with the enzyme are placed between layers of polyelectrolytes deposited on a glass pH electrode. This method of enzyme immobilization allows for a long time use the same enzyme molecules for measure. This paper presents the results of experiments demonstrating the sensitivity of a novel type of urea sensor. A program for calculation provides an accurate determination of the concentration of urea in biological fluids based on their physical and chemical properties (pH, buffer capacity). It is shown that the biosensor based on polymeric nanotechnology can be used for rapid diagnostics of urea in biological fluids in clinical medicine.
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