Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies Federal Agency of High Medical Care Technology, Saint-Petersburg, 197758, Pesochny, Leningradskaya st., 70/4
Brief summary
Purpose: The evaluation of the hormonal changes in patients with metastatic prostate cancer after «hypophysectomy» by narrow proton beam as a stage of hormonal therapy.
Material and Methods: 98 patients with disseminated prostate cancer had been irradiating on the synchrocyclotron PNPI (1000 MeV, Gatchina). Because of the high energy of the proton beam the rotating-convergent shoot-through technique had been using. The single dose of 80-100 Gy had been giving. The levels of prolactin, testosterone, cortisol and PSA had been evaluated before and annually after proton therapy in two groups of the patients: with the stabilization (n=46) and the progression (n=25) of the disease.
Results: In the patients with the progression of the disease during the first year of study the level of prolactin was significantly higher (374,7±13,8 mME/l) than in the patients with the stabilization (203,9±8,0 mME/l, <0,05). A direct correlation between the levels of prolactin and PSA was detected (r=0,937 p<0,0001). The changes of testosterone level were not significant. The level of cortisol in the patients with the stabilization was significantly higher (566,4±18 nmol/l, p<0,05), than in the patients with the progression of the disease (352,5±14,94 nmol/l). An inverse correlation between the levels of cortisol and PSA was detected (r=-0,975 p<0,0001).
Conclusion: Proton «hypophysectomy» is the stage of systemic therapy of patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Monitoring of hormonal changes is of great importance for palliative care of such patients.
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