1) North-west state university I.I. Mechnikov, St.-Petersburg
2) Dzanelidze Research Emergency Institute, St.-Petersburg
Brief summary
Timely diagnostics of complications at kidney injury remains a challenge. On the example of 176 patients with renal injuries treated in I.I. Janelidze Medical research institute of emergency from 1987 to 2008 with posttraumatic renal complications were studied the diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound, excretory urography, CT and other radiological methods.
From all the radiological methods, best performance of the diagnostic value are CT (sensitivity
in trauma disease in the late period amounted to - 96,0%, specificity - 66,7%, and diagnostic
accuracy - 91,5%) followed by ultrasound (sensitivity - 92,3%, and diagnostic accuracy - 89,4%), followed by antegrade ureteropielography (sensitivity - 80,0%, diagnostic accuracy - 83,3%) and intravenous urography (sensitivity - 79,3%, diagnostic accuracy - 75,6%). The lowest rates are panoramic radiography of kidneys (sensitivity - 33,3%, diagnostic accuracy - 50,0%), and fistulography (sensitivity - 14,3%, specificity -50,0% and diagnostic accuracy - 22,2%).
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