Evaluation of morphological characteristics of peripheral blood in the diagnosis dizadaptatsionnyh disorders among flight crews, having served in the far north from three to six months
Zagorodnikov G.G., Bochenkov A.A.
Federal state of military educational institutions of higher education "Military Medical Academy after S. M. Kirov" Ministry of Defence Russian Federation (Military Medical Academy after S. M. Kirov)
Brief summary
Through the study of the cellular composition of peripheral blood was evaluated the influence of meteorological factors on the body pilots who served in the Far North for three to six months. Results of laboratory studies suggest that pilots with various diseases in the peripheral blood there are significant changes in some indicators in comparison with the control group. It is established that the neurocirculatory dystonia, chronic gastro, and myocardial myocardiosclerosis cause the greatest changes in the functional state of the body of flight personnel. The observed changes in the cellular composition of peripheral blood are functional and reflect the process of the body disadaptative crews to the conditions of the Far North. The results obtained in the course of the study data indicate that between the level of the organism disadaptative crews to new climatic conditions and disease are closely linked.
Key words
adaptation, flight crews, the Far North, dizadaptatsionnye disorder incidence.
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