Factors of formation of mental disorders in young age persons, who has transferred urgent cardiological conditions
E.S. Kurasov, K.A. Kobozova
Military Medical Academy. SMKirov
Brief summary
234 young patients with mental disorders after suffering a cardiac emergency conditions (acute coronary syndrome, hypertensive crises and cardiac arrhythmias). Analyzed clinical and medical history and pathopsychological features of these patients. It is shown, that the formation of mental disorders is influenced by «internal» (biological, personality-typological) and «external» (social-psychological and nosogenic) factors. Established the basic constitutional-personality characteristics, that contribute to the formation of hyper- (histrionic, anxious, anankast, excitable, borderline) and hyponosognogical (schizoid and narcissistic types) disorders in acute cardiac disease. Investigated the prognostic significance of individual nosogenic (psychotraumatic) factors.
Key words
cardiac emergency conditions, mental disorders, factors of forming, young age.