Evalition of the information cellular composition of peripheral blood in the diagnosis dysadaptation disorders in flight personnel, served in the extreme north three months
Zagorodnikov G.G., Bochenkov A.A.
Brief summary
With the help of studying the cellular composition of peripheral blood to assess the impact of meteorological factors on the body flight crews who has served in the Far North for three months (October, November and December). Results of laboratory studies indicate that the flight crew with various diseases in the peripheral blood are significant changes of some indicators, compared with the control group. Established that neurocirculatory dystonia, chronic gastroduodenitis, myocardial and miokardioskleroz cause the greatest changes in the functional state of flight personnel. The observed changes in cellular composition of peripheral blood are functional and reflect the process dysadaptation body flight crews to the conditions of the Far North. Obtained in the course of the study data indicate that between the level of the organism dysadaptation pilots to new climatic conditions and its incidence there is a close relationship.
Key words
adaptation, safety, dysadaptation disorders, Far North, aircrew.