Glycated haemoglobin as the basic parameter of diabetes mellitus
Korolew V.A.,* Odin V.I.,** Ivanov A.M.**
*- Crym’s State Medical University named after Georgievskiy S.I.,
2**- Military Medical Academy, St.Petersburg, Russia
Brief summary
The patients with specific and unspecific diabetes mellitus (DM) was investigated . For determination of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was used electrophoretic, chromatographic and photocolorimetric methods. It is set that HbA1c rose not only at patients with specified DM but also at diseases, which associated with it. Thus HbA1c – level was established a substantial cross-correlation-regressive connection with the basic clinical and biochemical parameters of these diseases. A conclusion is done, that a level of HbA1c is the basic diagnostic criterion of DM, predictor of hyper-and hypoglycemia, vascular complications.