Federal State Budgetary Institution «Scientific and Clinical Center of Toxicology named after Academician S.N. Golikov Federal Medical and Biological Agency», 192019, St. Petersburg, Russia, Bekhtereva str., 1.
Brief summary
Mercury is one of the most toxic elements that can accumulate in the external environment and the human body. Mercury enters the environment from various sources, such as: industrial wastewater emissions from non-ferrous and chemical industries, as a result of volcanic eruptions. Due to natural and man-made pollution of the environment with mercury, the problem of the spread, transformation and bioaccumulation of mercury in water and aquatic biota, atmosphere, soil, food, which can pose a real danger to public health, is being considered. Various methods are known for the intake of mercury and its compounds into the human body. Pollution of water bodies with mercury and its compounds due to their accumulation in fish and seafood poses a serious danger to public health. To improve the quality of prevention and diagnosis of pathology caused by the action of mercury and its compounds, along with clinical examination, it is necessary to determine mercury in the most informative biological substrates of a person (urine, blood, umbilical cord blood, hair). The basis of the strategy to protect the population from the hazard effects of mercury is to limit the man-made intake of mercury into environmental objects, control over its content in human habitat and biological media.
Key words
mercury; migration; transformation; bioaccumulation; poisoning by organic and inorganic mercury compounds
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