Analysis of the study of the use butyrylcholinesterase on the function of external respiration and evaluate of the protective effectiveness of the enzyme in the model of poisoning of guinea pigs with an organophosphate compound
State Scientific Research Test Institute of the military medicine Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation
Brief summary
The article presents the results of studying the effect of inhalation use of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) on the function of external respiration in guinea pigs. It was shown that the enzyme during the first 25 minutes of inhalation contributes to a significant decrease in the minute volume of respiration, which is completely restored within 30 minutes after the end of inhalation. The effectiveness of the prophylactic use of BChE was assessed in animal three experimental groups that differed in the intensity of exposure to the toxicant. It has been shown that the prophylactic use of BChE in case of inhalation poisoning of guinea pigs with organophosphate compound (OP) - diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) in lethal doses can significantly reduce the severity of symptoms of poisoning and lethal outcomes. Trus, when exposed to OP at а dose of 1 LD50, BChE prevented the development of seizures and death of animal in the acute post-intoxication period. With an increase in the absorbed dose of DFF to 1 LD67, BChE therapy contributed to an increase in the time of development of the convulsive syndrome. When poisoning guinea pigs whin OP in dose of 1 LD100, the use of the enzyme made it possible to significantly increase the survival rate of animals. In addition, the prophylactic use of BChE makes it possible to prevent the development of manifestations of respiratory failure in poisoned animal. On the background of BChE therapy, such respiratory characteristics as minute respiratory volume, tidal volume, and the integral index of bronchoconstriction Penh during inhalation exposure to OPs remained at the level of initial values.
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