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Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики Российской академии наук.


ФГБУН "Институт токсикологии" ФМБА России

Адрес редакции и реквизиты

192012, Санкт-Петербург, ул.Бабушкина, д.82 к.2, литера А, кв.378

Свидетельство о регистрации электронного периодического издания ЭЛ № ФС 77-37726 от 13.10.2009
Выдано - Роскомнадзор

ISSN 1999-6314

Российская поисковая система

Vol. 24, Art. 82 (pp. 1180-1206)    |    2023       

Electrets and the effect of their electric field on the regeneration of human body tissues (Literature review)
Vasilevich S.V.1, Morgunov M.S.2

1 St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Sanatorium for children Ogonek, Saint-Petersburg, settlement Strelna, Saint-Peterburg highway, b. 101A.
2 Limited Liability Company «Medel», 192029, St. Petersburg, Obukhovskaya oborona highway, 86, lit. K

Brief summary

The vital activity of an organism is closely interrelated with changes in electrical potentials formed in its biological structures. These electrical signals are used both for diagnostic purposes and to influence reparative processes in various organs and tissues. One of the ways of such influence on biological processes is the use of electrets (electrical analogues of magnets). The article presents an analysis of our own research and a review of literature materials on the effect of electretes on various metabolic processes in cells and tissues (blood cells; nervous, bone, cartilage, tendon tissue, skin) in various pathophysiological conditions. Polarization processes developing at various structural levels in the tissues of the body under the influence of the electric field of electretes and possible variants of the body's reaction causing a change in reparative processes at the site of injury, contributing to tissue repair, are described. The areas of practical application of electret in medicine and possible directions of further development are reflected. The main parameters and properties of electrets used in medicine, their nature, basic parameters and methods of production are highlighted.

Key words

electric field, electret, tissue regeneration, osteoarthritis, bone fractures, osteoreparation.

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Reference list

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