Arthroplasty of the proximal interphalangeal joint (literature review)
Nikolaenko A., Ivanov V., Zgirsky D., Doroganov S., Isaikin P., Kulebakina Y.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Samara State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Brief summary
This article shows a literature review concerning current status of PIP joint arthroplasty. Authors described principal anatomical and biomechanical points in PIP joint, which are important for successful arthroplasty. Also, in this review was given comprehensive data about implant materials development. Authors described a short history of arthroplasty methods evolution, particularly in hand surgery, and discussed current problems and challenges in PIP joint arthroplasty. Special attention had been received to complications inherent in each type of modern implants. According to current literature information PIP joint arthroplasty is one of the most effective methods in hand function restoration. However, high complications rate and controversial research results prompts the global scientific community to find new PIP joint implants design and materials solutions.
Key words
PIP joint arthroplasty, PIP joint arthritis, arthroplasty, replacement, hand
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