Peculiarities of the intraorgan portal liver architectonics of the liver in the light of its isolated lobar perfusion
Tyagun V. S.1, 2, 6,*, Rybakov A. S.1, 2, 4, Gaivoronskiy I. V.1, Surov D. A.2, 4, Solov'ev I. A.2, Anokhin D. Y.3, Ilina V. A. 5
413th Military hospital
St. Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine
S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Brief summary
One of the promising directions in the treatment of patients with liver metastases is the methods of local treatment of liver metastases. However, they have weaknesses, which makes us look for new ways to improve the chemoperfusion treatment of metastatic liver damage. An earlier developed algorithm for isolated lobar arteriocaval perfusion was tested on 15 un-embalmed corpses of people who died from diseases not directly related to the liver. The study used: direct reinforced arterial cannulas 4-6 Fr, venous cannulas 34 Fr, (Maquet, Germany), thermostatic precision bath "LOIP LB-200" (LOiP, Russia), peristaltic pump "LOIP ls-301" (LOiP, Russia), centrifugal pump "Mars" (Central Research Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, Russia). The proposed algorithm is isolated equity arterio-caval perfusion of the liver allows you to provide it to the experimental conditions
Key words
perfusion, the liver metastases, the insulation, the vessels of the liver
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