Studying the possibility of using microorganisms for detoxication of soils contaminated with an mustard-lewise mixture
State research center Institute of immunology
Brief summary
In laboratory conditions, on the basis of the Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility (Leonidovka, Penza Region), the effectiveness of detoxification of soils contaminated with mustard and lewisite was evaluated using an association of 2 strains of Pseudomonas putida Y-21 and Rhodoccocus erythropolis 8D destructive microorganisms. It has been established that mustard gas is hydrolyzed in the soil to thiodiglycol on the first day after application. The decomposition of thiodiglycol due to the activity of microorganisms-destructors is shown. The decomposition of thiodiglycol due to the activity of microorganisms-destructors is shown. A decrease in the concentration of lewisite in the soil was revealed in the variants with 10 and 100 MPC caused by the activity of microorganisms-destructors. The introduction of oat seeds into contaminated soil has a stimulating effect on microorganisms-destructors. It was found that the integrated toxicity of contaminated soil during the experiment is significantly reduced.
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