Federal State Institution of Science "Institute of Toxicology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency
State research and testing Institute of military medicine of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific-Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology"
Brief summary
The verification criteria of the metabolic syndrome in humans, the possibility of its experimental modeling using rats, and possible obstacles along the way are considered. Approaches to modeling metabolic syndrome by pharmaceutical effects, the usage of specialized animal strains as well as high-fat and (or) high-carbohydrate feeding are discussed. The usage of rats of different ages fed with a standard diet, supplemented by high-calorie foods is suggested.
7. Taton Ya. Ojirenie: patofiziologiya, diagnostika, lechenie: Per. s pol. Varshava: Polsk. med. izd-vo, 1981. 363 s.
8. Bonora E., Kiechl S., Willeit J, Oberhollenzer F., Egger G., Targher G., Alberiche M., Bonadonna R.C., Muggeo M. Prevalence of insulin resistance in metabolic disorders: the Bruneck study // Diabetes. 1998. V. 47, 10. P. 1643?1649.
9. Buettner R., Scholmerich J., Bollheimer L.C. High fat diets: modeling in the metabolic disorders of human obesity in rodents // Obesity. 2007. V. 15, 4. P. 798?808.
10. Cahova M., Dankova H., Palenickova E., Papackova Z., Kazdova L. The opposite effects of high-sucrose and high-fat diet on fatty acid oxidation and very low density lipoprotein secretion in rat model of metabolic syndrome // J. Nutr. Metab., 2012. https://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/757205.
11. Castellanos Jankiewicz A.K., Rodrigues Peredo S.M., Cardoso Saldana G., Díaz Díaz E., Tejero Barrera M.E., del Bosque Plata L., Carbó Zabala R. Adipose tissue redistribution caused by an early consumption of a high sucrose diet in a rat model // Nutr. Hosp. 2015. V. 31, 6. P. 2546?2553.
12. de Castro U.G.M., dos Santos R.A.S., Silva M.E., de Lima W.G., Campagnole-Santos M.J., Alzamora A.C. Age-dependent effect of high-fructose and high-fat diets on lipid metabolism and lipid accumulation in liver and kidney of rats // Lipids in Health and Disease. 2013. V. 12, 136. P. 112?136.
13. Elizondo-Montemayor L., Ugalde-Gasas P.A., Lam-Francol L., Bustamante-Careaga H., Serrano-Gonzalez M., Gutierrez N.G., Martinez U. Association of ALT and metabolic syndrome among Mexican children // Obes. Res. Clin. Pract. 2014. V. 8, 1. P. 79?87.
14. Hsu C.L., Wu C.H., Huang S.L., Yen G.C. Phenolic compounds rutin and o-coumaric acid ameliorate obesity induced by high-fat diet in rats // J. Agricult. Food. Chem. 2009. V. 57., 3. P. 425-431.
15. Hwang I.S., Ho H., Hoffman B.B., Reaven G.M. Fructose induced insulin resistance and hypertension in rats // Hypertension. 1987. 10. P. 512?516.
16. Kim K., Lee W., Benevenga N.J. Feeding diets containing high levels of milk products or cellulose decrease urease activity and ammonia production in rat intestine // J. Nutr. 1998. V. 128. P. 1186-1191.
17. Lima M.L., Leite L.H., Gioda C.R., Leme F.O., Couto C.A., Coimbra C.C., Leite?V.H., Ferrari T.C. A novel Wistar rat model of obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced by sucrose-rich diet // J. Diabetes Res., 2016. https://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/9127076.
18. Marques C., Meireles M., Norberto S., Leite J., Freitas J., Pestanda D., Faria A., Calhau C. High-fat diet-induced obesity rat model: a comparison between Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rat // Adipocyte.2015. V. 5, 1. P. 11-21.
19. Murase T., Mizuno T., Omachi T., Onizawa K., Komine Y., Kondo H., Hase T., Tokimitsu I. Dietary diacylglycerol suppresses high fat and high sucrose diet-induced body fat accumulation in C57BL/6J mice // J. Lipid Res. 2001. V. 42, 3. P. 372?378.
20. Nakagawa T., Tuttle K., Short R., Johnson R. Hypothesis: fructose-induced hyperuricemia as a casual mechanism for the epidemic of the metabolic syndrome: Nature clinical practice // Nephrology. 2005. V. 1, 2. P. 80?86.
21. Pellizzon M.A., Billheimer J.T., Bloedon L.T., Szapary P.O., Rader D.J. Flaxseed reduces plasma cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic mouse models // J. Am. Coll. Nutr. ? 2007. ? V. 26, 1. P. 66-75.
22. Petricone M., Cimellaro A., Maio R., Caroleo B., Sciacqua A., Sesti G., Perticone F. Additive effect of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on metabolic syndrome-releted endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive patients // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016. V. 17, 4. P. 456.
23. Phillips G.B. Relationship between serum sex hormones and glucose, insulin and lipid abnormalities in men with myocardial infarction // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1977. V. 74, 4. P. 1729-1733.
24. Rutletge A.C., Adeli K. Fructose and the metabolic syndrome: pathophysiology and molecular mechanisms // Nutrition Rev. 2007. V. 65, 6. P. 13-23.
25. Senaphan K., Boonla O., Timinkul A., Kukongviriyapan U., Pakdeechote P., Kukongviriyapan V., Pannangpetch P., Prachaney P. Effect of ferulic acid on high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats // Srinagarind Med. J. 2013. V. 28. P. 211-214.
26. Shapiro A., Mu W., Roncal C. Cheng K.Y., Johnson R.J., Scarpace P.J. Fructose-induced leptin resistance exacerbates weight gain in response to subsequent high-fat feeding // Am. J. Physiol. 2008. V. 295, 5. P. 1370-1375.
27. Sutherland L.N., Capocci L.C., Turchinsky N.J. Bell R.C., Wright D.C. Time course of high-fat diet-induced reductions in adiposal tissue mitochondrial proteins: potentional mechanisms and the relationship to glucose intolerance // Am. J. Physiol. 2008. V. 295, 5. P. 1076-1083.
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7. Taton' Y.A. Ozhirenie: patofisiologiya, diagnostika, lechenie: Per. s pol. ? Varshava: Polsk. med. Izdat-vo, 1981. 363 s.
8. Bonora E., Kiechl S., Willeit J, Oberhollenzer F., Egger G., Targher G., Alberiche M., Bonadonna R.C., Muggeo M. Prevalence of insulin resistance in metabolic disorders: the Bruneck study // Diabetes. 1998. V. 47, 10. P. 1643-1649.
9. Buettner R., Scholmerich J., Bollheimer L.C. High fat diets: modeling in the metabolic disorders of human obesity in rodents // Obesity. 2007. V. 15, 4. P. 798-808.
10. Cahova M., Dankova H., Palenickova E., Papackova Z., Kazdova L. The opposite effects of high-sucrose and high-fat diet on fatty acid oxidation and very low density lipoprotein secretion in rat model of metabolic syndrome // J. Nutr. Metab., 2012. https://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/757205.
11. Castellanos Jankiewicz A.K., Rodrigues Peredo S.M., Cardoso?Saldana G., Díaz Díaz E., Tejero Barrera M.E., del Bosque Plata L., Carbó Zabala R. Adipose tissue redistribution caused by an early consumption of a high sucrose diet in a rat model // Nutr. Hosp. 2015. V. 31, 6. P. 2546-2553.
12. de Castro U.G.M., dos Santos R.A.S., Silva M.E., de Lima W.G., Campagnole-Santos M.J., Alzamora A.C. Age-dependent effect of high-fructose and high-fat diets on lipid metabolism and lipid accumulation in liver and kidney of rats // Lipids in Health and Disease. 2013. V. 12, 136. P. 112?136.
13. Elizondo-Montemayor L., Ugalde-Gasas P.A., Lam-Francol L., Bustamante-Careaga H., Serrano-Gonzalez M., Gutierrez N.G., Martinez U. Association of ALT and metabolic syndrome among Mexican children // Obes. Res. Clin. Pract. 2014. V. 8, 1. P. 79-87.
14. Hsu C.L., Wu C.H., Huang S.L., Yen G.C. Phenolic compounds rutin and o-coumaric acid ameliorate obesity induced by high-fat diet in rats // J. Agricult. Food. Chem. 2009. V. 57., 3. P. 425-431.
15. Hwang I.S., Ho H., Hoffman B.B., Reaven G.M. Fructose induced insulin resistance and hypertension in rats // Hypertension. 1987. 10. P. 512-516.
16. Kim K., Lee W., Benevenga N.J. Feeding diets containing high levels of milk products or cellulose decrease urease activity and ammonia production in rat intestine // J. Nutr. 1998. V. 128. P. 1186-1191.
17. Lima M.L., Leite L.H., Gioda C.R., Leme F.O., Couto C.A., Coimbra C.C., Leite?V.H., Ferrari T.C. A novel Wistar rat model of obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced by sucrose-rich diet // J. Diabetes Res., 2016. https://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/9127076.
18. Marques C., Meireles M., Norberto S., Leite J., Freitas J., Pestanda D., Faria A., Calhau C. High-fat diet-induced obesity rat model: a comparison between Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rat // Adipocyte. 2015. V. 5, 1. P. 11-21.
19. Murase T., Mizuno T., Omachi T., Onizawa K., Komine Y., Kondo H., Hase T., Tokimitsu I. Dietary diacylglycerol suppresses high fat and high sucrose diet-induced body fat accumulation in C57BL/6J mice // J. Lipid Res. 2001. V. 42, 3. P. 372-378.
20. Nakagawa T., Tuttle K., Short R., Johnson R. Hypothesis: fructose-induced hyperuricemia as a casual mechanism for the epidemic of the metabolic syndrome: Nature clinical practice // Nephrology. 2005. V. 1, 2. P. 80-86.
21. Pellizzon M.A., Billheimer J.T., Bloedon L.T., Szapary P.O., Rader D.J. Flaxseed reduces plasma cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic mouse models // J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 2007. V. 26, 1. P. 66-75.
22. Petricone M., Cimellaro A., Maio R., Caroleo B., Sciacqua A., Sesti G., Perticone F. Additive effect of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on metabolic syndrome-releted endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive patients // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016. V. 17, 4. P. 456.
23. Phillips G.B. Relationship between serum sex hormones and glucose, insulin and lipid abnormalities in men with myocardial infarction // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1977. V. 74, 4. P. 1729-1733.
24. Rutletge A.C., Adeli K. Fructose and the metabolic syndrome: pathophysiology and molecular mechanisms // Nutrition Rev. ? 2007. ? V. 65, 6. P. 13-23.
25. Senaphan K., Boonla O., Timinkul A., Kukongviriyapan U., Pakdeechote P., Kukongviriyapan V., Pannangpetch P., Prachaney P. Effect of ferulic acid on high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats // Srinagarind Med. J. 2013 V. 28. P. 211-214.
26. Shapiro A., Mu W., Roncal C. Cheng K.Y., Johnson R.J., Scarpace P.J. Fructose-induced leptin resistance exacerbates weight gain in response to subsequent high-fat feeding // Am. J. Physiol. 2008. V. 295, 5. P. 1370-1375.
27. Sutherland L.N., Capocci L.C., Turchinsky N.J. Bell R.C., Wright D.C. Time course of high-fat diet-induced reductions in adiposal tissue mitochondrial proteins: potentional mechanisms and the relationship to glucose intolerance // Am. J. Physiol. 2008. V. 295, 5. P. 1076-1083.