<< русская версия
The physical capacity for work is significantly limited by the physiological opportunities of the organism on delivery of oxygen to intensively working muscles, development of metabolic acidosis and energy deficiency. The metabolic acidosis during intensive physical work is caused by the accelerated proton formation in юрP-ase reactions at the relative insufficiency of the aerobic energy production during the working hypoxia.
We put forward the assumption of an opportunity to decrease the metabolic acidosis by substrate support of mitochondial energy production. Theoretically than more is contribution of oxidation phosphorylation in cleaning hydrogen ions formed in юрP-ase reactions, than less is metabolic acidosis. To choose a substrate, which would be possible to support a mitochondria energy production during metabolic acidosis and working hypoxia, we carry out the researches at a level heart, liver and skeletal muscle mitochondria and homogenate, on isolated perfused organ and on animals. Was shown, that with the help exogenous substrates it is possible to increase the mitochondrial contribution in maintenance Пм at fixed юрP-ase loading not only in vitro, but also at an animal level. In hypoxic conditions most effective from all investigated substrates has appeared succinate. Succinate affinity to respiratory chain of mitochondria is growing when NADH reduction is higher. Is shown on fall of Km for succinate and decrease of respiratory coefficient (
^О2), which size at succinate oxidation is close to zero.
Is established, that ammonium succinate (as the biologically active additive, manufactured with JV "Biophysics" under the name Enerlit) reduced the metabolic acidosis depth at the loading of sportsmen. Ammonium succinate promoted significant increase of the physical capacity for work at limiting step loading. This phenomenon was obtained after succinate reception before work and after 10-day's reception of the preparation in time of a training cycle. In all cases after succinate reception restoration was marked during rest after loading.
With the help of a carbon label the fast succinate oxidation in organism conditions was shown. Its oxidation was accelerated at the muscle loading. Besides that ammonium is capable to control some physiological processes. It can shift a hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right, change adrenaline and noradrenaline excretion, increase peripheral blood flow. This data confirms a hypothesis that succinate is not only participant of an energy metabolism, but also is a signal molecule.