S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Brief summary
The article deals with topical issues of evaluation, as well as practical application of longitudinal deformities of left ventricular myocardium in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. A study was conducted with an estimate of the segmented reference values for longitudinal deformation of the left ventricular myocardium in healthy middle-aged people using the technique of speckle tracking echocardiography.
The essence of the method is to track coded areas of the myocardium (speckles) with subsequent automatic processing of data by special software. This method has advantages over the method of tissue dopplerography, because it is more objective, sensitive and requires less time for data processing and analysis.
The purpose of this article is to determine the threshold values of the longitudinal strain parameters for various segments of the left ventricular myocardium and the wider application of the technique of speckle tracking echocardiography in clinical practice.
In addition, in the present work, correlation links between the structural and functional state of the myocardium and indices of longitudinal deformation of segments of the left ventricle are revealed. These results allowed us to disclose individual physiological processes occurring in the heart, both in the norm and in pathology.
Key words
echocardiography, cardiovascular disease, functional diagnostics, longitudinal deformation of the myocardium, echocardiographic systems.
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