Application of 3D modeling and three-dimensional printing in surgery (review of literature)
Nikolaenko A.N.
State Budget-funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Samara State Medical University"
Brief summary
This study provides an overview of a wide range of applications of 3D modeling and 3D printing in medicine, and the number of them is growing. The authors presented an overview of the development of rapid prototyping technologies and some considerations regarding the beginning of work in this field: obtaining visualization, software, printing materials, their sterilization, financial and time costs. As can be seen from the growing number of publications on this topic in the last 10 years, more and more practice has been observed. The authors believe that this is a consequence of the impressive opportunities and great potential for the use of three versions of the press, as well as the cheapening of this technology. Implementing it in clinical practice may seem a complex problem involving mandatory work with unfamiliar software and a huge number of printing cases. The work of an interdisciplinary team of specialists, the accelerated development of this field, however, can make use of 3D printing in solving the corresponding problems.
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