Accumulation of heavy metals by mushrooms. Ecological and species specificity, mechanisms of accumulation, risk for human health
Sazanova K.V.1, Velikova V.D.2, Stolyarova N.V.2
1 Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Institute of Toxicology of Federal Medico-Biological Agency
Brief summary
Accumulation of heavy metals by basidiomycetes according to its species and ecological traits, mechanisms of heavy metals accumulation in mycelium and fruiting bodies of fungi, the physiological role of this phenomenon and danger for human health are reviewed. Active accumulation of metals in fruit bodies and mycelium of fungi occurs through the variety of mechanisms and depends on many factors of environment and does not prove successful adaptation of fungi to substrates containing metals in high concentrations. Survival of fungi under high content of metals is to significant extent promoted by mechanisms of extracellular binding and detoxification. Approximate danger of intake of fungi containing metals in excessive concentration to human health is estimated.
Key words
basidiomycetes, heavy metals, biosorption, adaptation, toxic effects.
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