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Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики Российской академии наук.


ФГБУН "Институт токсикологии" ФМБА России

Адрес редакции и реквизиты

192012, Санкт-Петербург, ул.Бабушкина, д.82 к.2, литера А, кв.378

Свидетельство о регистрации электронного периодического издания ЭЛ № ФС 77-37726 от 13.10.2009
Выдано - Роскомнадзор

ISSN 1999-6314

Российская поисковая система

Vol. 18, Art. 40 (pp. 591-608)    |    2017       

Benighn arrhythmias of the later phase of adolescence in apparently healthy subjects as an interdisciplinary problem
Stepanenko I.A.1,*, Salukhov V.V.1, Kitsyshin V.P.1, Surzhikov P.V.,1 Shalnev M.P.,2 Izilyaeva E.A.,2 Ilina V.A.3

St. Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, 3 Budapeshtskaya street, St. Petersburg, 192242, Russia; Tel: +7 812 7748675. E-mail: info@emergency.spb.ru. 3Department of Pathology.

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, 6 Academika Lebedeva Street, St. Petersburg, 194044, Russia; 1The 1st Department of Internal Medicine Postgraduate Training; 2Department of Army Graduate Medical Education.

Brief summary

Rhythm and conduction disorders are detected in the vast majority of cases with ambulatory ECG monitoring in healthy individuals. Arrhythmias of late adolescence are of particular importance, since this period of development plays a significant role both socially and for the individual in particular. The review highlights current trends in the study of cause-effect relationships in the occurrence of some nomotopic and heterotopic arrhythmias.

Key words

arrhythmia, adolescence, constitution, connective tissue dysplasia, heart rate variability, sinoatrial node.

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