The analysis of certain aspects of phenotypic and genotypic determinism of impulsive human behavior
Shatyr YA, Bondarev AM, Nazarov NO, Mulik AB
Volgograd State University
Brief summary
As a result of theoretical and experimental studies demonstrated the possibility of using the level of general non-specific reactivity of an organism as a marker for impulsive behavior. From the combination of physiological and psychological parameters defined phenotypic characteristics of impulsive behavior. Revealed genetic determination of non-specific reactivity. From the combination of physiological and psychological parameters defined phenotypic characteristics of impulsive behavior. Revealed genetic determination of non-specific reactivity of an organism. Proved the conditionality of risk manifestations of impulsivity and affectivity in behavior by the high level of general non-specific reactivity of an organism.
Key words
level of general non-specific reactivity of an organism, phenotypic characteristics, genotypic characteristics, SNP-polymorphisms, impulsive behavior.
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