The poisoning and ways to solve it problem of the “golden hour” in the pharmacotherapy of acute
Ivnitsky J. J., Krasnov K. A., Rejniuk V. L., Schäfer T. V.
Federal State Institution of Science "Institute of Toxicology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency"
Military-Medical Academy. SM Kirov
Brief summary
The subject of the survey is the rationale for the suggestions of the improving the first aid and medical care in acute poisoning of staff of the armed forces. The effectiveness of systemically acting pharmaceuticals at a prehospital stage is limited by the discrepancy of their dosage forms and demands of first aid, emergency care and emergency physician’s care. The relevance of dosage forms used in military medical service link under these circumstances is analysed. Revealed are the perspectives of a new dosage form, a so named transdermal spray, at a prehospital stage of the treatment of acute poisonings. Formulated is the core principle of the suitability of pharmaceuticals to the application in the form of a transdermal spray.
Key words
acute poisoning, first aid, pharmaceutical, dosage form, transdermal spray.
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