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ISSN 1999-6314

Ðîññèéñêàÿ ïîèñêîâàÿ ñèñòåìà

Vol. 16, Art. 4 (pp. 26-57)    |    2015       

Toxicological characterization of designer drugs
Golovko A.I., Barinov V.A., Bonitenko E.Y., Zatsepin E.P., Ivanov M.B., Nosov A.V., Shestova G.V.

«Institute of Toxicology» of Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Brief summary

Designer drugs are a large group of psychoactive substances of synthetic origin, which are developed and implemented in trafficking with the to evade drug legislation. The main problems of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic synthetic cannabinoids, tryptamines, phenylethylamines and synthetic cathinones are discussed.

Key words

designer drugs, synthetic cannabinoids, tryptamines, phenylethylamines, synthetic cathinones, toxicokinetic, toxicodynamic.

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Reference list

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