The establishment of thermographic signs dystopia regional cerebral blood flow individuals with addictive behavior and possible addiction
Nartov V.P., Druzhinina T.V., Talalaev S.Y.
1Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Experimental - production workshops" of the Federal Medical- Biological Agency, Moscow, Shukinskaya str, 5/2, e-mail:
Brief summary
On the basis of thermographic studies showed evidence of drug dependence, the experimental evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of all thermographic signs of addiction. Took part in the study, 82 people: with a diagnosis of drug dependence (37), with a diagnosis of alcoholism - 6 persons, a comparison group of 39 healthy volunteers. As diagnostic criteria were asked to evaluate the results of sensitivity and specificity. To do this, as the conditional sensitivity was taken as the amount equal to the percentage ratio of the number of detected characteristics to the number of people in group H or A. as a conditional specificity was adopted amount equal to the percentage ratio of the number of people without the detected characteristics to the total number of people in the comparison group (group C). The prevalence of functional impairment was equal percentages of people with the detected characteristic to the total number of people in the group. The contingent of drug addicts and alcoholics in the study were found new thermographic signs of addiction, the assessment of their sensitivity and specificity. As a result of comparison of sensitivity and specificity was selected the five most effective thermal criteria for addiction.
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