Study the effect of weak combined magnetic fields on regeneration, neoblasts proliferation and expression of wound-induced genes in planarians
Ermakov A.M.1,2, Skavulyak A.N.1, Ermakova O.N.1
1Federal State Budget Organization of Science, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental
Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142290, Pushchino, Russia, Institutskaya 3
2Inter-regional public institution "Institute of Engineering Physics" 142210, Serpukhov, Russia, B. Udarniy per., D. 1a.
Brief summary
In experimental studies, we have found the ability to change the regeneration rate of planarians using alternating magnetic fields tuned to parametric resonance for the ions Ca2 + and K + in accordance with the Lednev's theory. Acceleration of planarian regeneration under the influence of the "calcium" combined magnetic field associated with the activation of the expression of wound-inducible genes in differentiated and stem cells and an increase in mitotic activity of planarian neoblasts. Deceleration of planarian regeneration under the "potassium" combined magnetic field associated with a decrease in the expression of wound-inducible genes in differentiated and stem cells, and a decline in mitotic activity of neoblasts. Combined magnetic fields tuned to different target change differently transcription of various planarian genes, as well as subsequent mitotic activity of neoblasts and planarian regeneration.
Key words
weak combined magnetic fields, planarian regeneration, mitotic activity, expression of genes.
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