Inclusion of Gelototherapy into Integrated Rehabilitation of Patients Suffering from Neurotic Disorders
Skutin А.V., 1 Moros I.N. 2
The Ural State University of Physical Culture, Therapeutic Techniques Faculty, the Department of Sports Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation1
Regional Psychoneurological Hospital N12
Brief summary
The aim of the research is to evaluate efficacy of psychotherapeutic intervention by means of gelototherapy for correction of neurotic disorders.
The research results and the discussion parts present the correspondence between several psychological characteristics (neurotic depression, asthenia, conversion reactions, obsessive and phobic disorders, autonomic disorders, neurotization and psychopathic process) indices before and after the group gelototherapy sessions, as well as the statistic value of the research conducted.
The final part of the work presents the corresponding conclusions, which are followed by the bibliography list.
Key words
neurotic disorders, gelototherapy, asthenia, obsessive and phobic disorders, autonomic disorders.
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