*A.K. Iordanishvili
North-west state university of I.I.Mechnikova, St. Petersburg
Теl.: 8 (812) 275-18-47
E-mail : dumg.maks@yandex.ru
**V.V. Lobeyko
Dental clinic"Medstom" St. Petersburg
Теl.: 8 (812) 593-98-88
E-mail : valera.lobeiko@yandex.ru
St. Petersburg State budgetary institution of health Clinical hospital of Saint Luke.
****М.V. Zhmud
Saint-Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, NWB of RAMS
Тel.: 8(921)3275644
E-mail : dumg.maks@yandex.ru
Brief summary
Studied the incidence of diseases and pathological processes of, in the etiopathogenesis of which are violations of mineral metabolism in people of all ages suffering sialolithiasis. The analysis of the prevalence of comorbidity masticatory apparatus, namely deposits over and subgingival calculus, dentikley (dentin deposition in the pulp of the tooth) in adults who for medical care treated in outpatient dental health care facilities.
Key words
gerontostomatology, sialolithiasis, pathology of salivary glands, kidney stones, cholelithiasis, dentikl, under - and supragingival dental plaque.
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11. Sias, A. Sialolithiasis / A. Sias // Radiol Med (Torino). - 2000 Jun. - Vol. 99(6).-P. 5-6.
12. Williams, M.F. Sialolithiasis / M.F. Williams // Otolaryngol Clin North Am. - 1999 Oct. - Vol. 32(5). - P. 819-834.
13. Zhang, F. The relationship of function and pathology of submandibular gland with sialolithiasis / F. Zhang, G. Yu, D. Ma // Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue ZaZhi.- 1996 Nov.-Vol. 31(6).-. 330-332.