Russian Research Institute Hematology and Transfusiology, St.-Petersburg
Brief summary
The results of peripheral blood stem cells transplantation in 20 patients with chronic limb ischemia, stage IIa-IV (according to A.V. Pokrovsky-Fontein) are presented. After preliminary mobilization by G-CSF with the following a aphaeresis 2,337х107/л CD34-positive cells with the markers of early endothelial cell precursors have been received. Stem cells were introduced intramuscularly by means of numerous injections under ultrasound control. According to the results of 2-year follow up, the application of peripheral blood stem cells transplantation induced stabilization of progressive chronic limb ischemia in 89,4% of patients.
Key words
chronic limb ischemia, colony-stimulating factor of granulocytopoiesis, aphaeresis of autologous peripheral blood stem cells.
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