The possible applications of liposome preparation for intravenous administration Lipoferol in medicine
Shanskaja A.I., Puchkova S.M., Nedachina N.A.
Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, St.-Petersburg, 191024, 2nd Sovietskaya str., 16;
Brief summary
This paper presents the physical and chemical properties and the results of pre-clinical study of liposomal drug Lipoferol. Shows its therapeutic efficacy in models of hemorrhagic and burn shock in rabbits and dogs. After infusion Lipoferol improves systemic hemodynamics and oxygen regime of the body. The drug Lipoferol has a strong antioxidant effect, reduces the intensity of lipid peroxidation. On the model of liver toxicity in rats was shown hepatoprotective effect Lipoferol. The drug is harmless, do not cause allergic reactions, no adverse effect on the functional activity of vital organs and the hemostatic system.
Key words
liposomes, soy lecithin, acid phospholipids of soybean, vitamin E, antioxidants, Lipoferol.
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